The University as a resource for talent recruitment: collaboration with companies.

università e aziende marketing MBK fincom ProduceShop

Close collaboration with local organizations is often a significant boost for companies, especially in terms of communication and branding; among the various players to turn to, the university is certainly one of the most interesting. ProduceShop is collaborating on several educational projects, and tells you about it in this article. As explained in a previous […]

Latest growing product trends: Babycare and Childhood

babycare prodotti infanzia MBK FINCOM PRODUCESHOP

The Babycare segment, extended to early childhood (0-8 years), is one of the most complex to analyse; it is a very fragmented customer base, with fluctuating standards of development. The data being studied are nevertheless interesting, because they reflect not only a market trend, but a whole series of social considerations. MBK Fincom has taken […]

UX, communication strategies and adaptation to current language

ux communication marketing MBK Fincom ProduceShop

Selling is essentially about communicating. In order for this dialogue (virtual or otherwise) between seller and customer to take place, the communication channels and their methods and strategies must be appropriate. Is it possible to do this while keeping up with the times? MBK, which has found a good solution thanks to its Marketing department, […]

Smart Working VS Office, i. e. Flexible Productivity VS Sociality

smart working ufficio lavoro stress MBK Fincom ProduceShop

The last couple of years have brought a radical change in working habits; the need to be distant has made what is (incorrectly) called Smart Working indispensable. There are many advantages and, to some extent, obvious, but what many tend to overlook are some disadvantages and difficulties that can arise. Beyond the implications on physical […]

Latest growing product trends: Fitness and Home Gym

prodotti fitness palestra home gym trend marketing MBK Fincom ProduceShop

If every period has its corresponding product, a study of the sector’s trends has shown us that the last two years have been undeniably devoted to fitness; whether due to forced domestic closure or increased general awareness. The growth of the sports and home gym equipment market has also led to the development of many […]

Linguistic Localization of content: the importance on marketing and sales side

traduzione localizzazione marketing MBK Fincom ProduceShop

Choosing to move your business to a multilingual platform entails several tasks; the most immediate and logical one is, of course, the translation of your content. When it comes to product sales and related marketing, however, simple translation is no longer enough. Operating in different markets, including culturally, it is necessary to adapt not only […]

Yolo, Fomo, and the emotional purchase of Generation Z

Generazione Z yolo fomo iGen MBK FIncom ProduceShop

Two sides of the same coin: buying habits and social behaviour. They are both dictated by deficit behavioural biases, which lead an entire Generation Z to an increasingly growing purchasing habit. Behaviours on which many contemporary brands have built their fortunes. From wanting to live the moment to not being able to lose anything. The group […]

Marketing trends and ADV: new applications in e-commerce

trend marketing digitale MBK FIncom ProduceShop

Marketing trends in e-commerce change and evolve from one year to another. This involves not only the classic marketplaces, but also omni and multichannel structures. In this case, the marketing and ADV trends involve an information sharing system that is directly based both on the product of the information transmitter  and on the brand image. We analyze together with MBK Fincom these trends in the […]