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The University as a resource for talent recruitment: collaboration with companies.4 min read

Close collaboration with local organizations is often a significant boost for companies, especially in terms of communication and branding; among the various players to turn to, the university is certainly one of the most interesting. ProduceShop is collaborating on several educational projects, and tells you about it in this article.

As explained in a previous article, one of the greatest difficulties among the new generation of graduates is that of positioning themselves profitably on the labour market. However, this is not only their fault; on the one hand, the university is lacking in soft skills (and students have no incentive to improve them), while on the other hand, companies often demand more seniority than a young person with a first experience can provide.

The solution upstream could be an increased synergy between universities and companies; ProduceShop is carrying out several integrative projects, aimed at introducing students to the practical profiles that are required in companies, and the skills to focus on. Let’s look at a couple of current examples.

The benefits of university-business collaboration

For many companies, an efficient educational partnership is synonymous with growth. Entering a system from which many of the company’s professionals come can be a good starting point; mostly, for working on the skills that companies want to find among their employees in the future. We are not just talking about teaching related to the degree course curriculum, but about real motivational interventions that professionals “give” to future generations of workers and entrepreneurs

Although many degree courses today offer the opportunity to enter the world of work practically (curricular apprenticeships, internships, training periods), this type of approach is not always functional. Often the student-worker is delegated marginal or insignificant tasks, or is given minimal and nonfunctional training.

Events such as career days, seminars, workshops and active laboratories are very fruitful and fortunately on the increase. Professionals from various sectors intervene in a degree course related to their activity to present themselves as a nearby company, to introduce students to a sample or a case history related to their experience and, hopefully, to offer new job opportunities at the end of their academic career.

For companies too, however, this is a strategic investment; contributing to academic training and networking, through active and constructive dialogue, and sharing their expertise, can help entire generations of young people to create academic and professional profiles more in line with the demands of today’s market.

Synergy and sharing between universities and companies
Synergy and sharing between university and companies

Presentation by ProduceShop at PoliMi

On October 19th ProduceShop, in the person of President and CEO Stefano, will be among the speakers at the conference “Ecommerce B2C: The future of retail starts here“.

The event, promoted by the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, will be an excursus on a new retail model, based on online as a modality and offline as a communicative approach.

ProduceShop has been invited to talk about its model in relation to the topic, essentially for reasons related to the performance of its platform:

  • among the fastest growing eCommerce on eBay in the Home&Leisure segment
  • for the historical partnership with the platform, but not only with this one
  • its completely innovative business model, far removed from the classic paradigms of other virtual shops
  • for its cutting-edge features in digital marketing, IT and software management

Presentation of ProduceShop at the USI in Lugano

With a view to opening up to local resources, in December ProduceShop will also be bringing its know-how to the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano.

As part of a project of the university that sees companies in the classroom to tell their stories, but not only, ProduceShop will participate in a meeting divided into two parts: a company presentation, to create a real touchpoint with the young people of the area, and a lesson on CX held by one of the marketing experts of the company.

In this way, in addition to leaving something tangible and usable for the students of the Master in Marketing, it will create interesting long-term relationships for those who, one day, will want to do a PhD, or launch themselves actively in the world of digital marketing.

In conclusion

These are just two of the many opportunities ProduceShop has to tell its story by bringing the company into the classroom; pushing to leave its mark on new generations of talent, as we have said, is also a targeted investment for the company itself.

If the university, as an institution, were able to integrate the dialogue between learners and professionals in a more fruitful way, there would be much less of a crisis in the employment sector, both from the point of view of recruiters and from that of incoming resources, who are already experienced in their first assignment.

  • Corporate PR
  • HR Department ProduceShop
  • Marketing Department Produceshop (https://mbkfincom.com)
  • USI
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • NetComm
  • Innovation Post
  • Ec.europa.eu/education
  • Corriere – Economia
  • Assolombarda
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